Friday, August 28, 2009

Help! My heart is broken and my head is about to explode

Life has been a bit crazy to me lately, and I have been stressed for the first time in recent memory. (I am generally a very calm, go-with-the-flow type of person, lately I've been very "Type A" if you know what I mean)
The other day as I'm trying to accomplish things and waiting for someone to come help me (because sometimes I can't do everything on my own - shocker, I know!) I began to realize that all my insanity is for nothing.
Philippians 4:13 says "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength"
Romans 8:28 says "All things work together for the good of those who love Christ and are called according to His purposes"
Psalm 37:4 says "Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart"

These are just a few of the verses that address my fault that day (and so many other days, I'm sad to admit)
God has a purpose and His will will be done and it will be for my good because I have been called by him (and created to do good works, Ephesians 2:10) and the desires of my heart will be granted when/while I am delighting in my Lord.

I've been listening to a song that brings that home for me too - You Won't Relent by Jesus Culture - the bridge says 'I don't want to sing like you're not in the room, I want to look right at you, sing right to you' Man, if I spent my days remembering that I'm not hanging out by myself all the time, how different would my days (my mind-focus) be?

It's not like everything suddenly got easier - I still have too much to get done, and too many ideas/wants in my head - but when I stop thinking about all of that for a second and realize that I have been redeemed, that Christ has taken hold of my heart and wants to give me good things and bring me joy as I delight in Him, that makes all the difference in the world!

Lord, make me quick to remember and VERY SLOW to forget

1 comment:

  1. Word Glo! God is good - I know that he will bless your hard work and use it to glorify his name!
